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  • Writer's pictureMike Dickey

Fine Thanks

“Misfortune, and recited misfortune especially, can be prolonged to the point where it ceases to excite pity and arouses only irritation.”

Dorothy Parker

Foggy out there this week, and was all the way from Lake Pontchartrain to Panama City on the way back from NOLA yesterday after looking at a boat we likely won't buy.

It's been brought to my attention that I haven't posted much lately, suggesting something here is amiss. Actually, my spotty writing is the natural consequence of a very good thing, and an assemblage of not-too-good.

On the happier front, P's home now, not working, and we wake up every morning with plenty of time for pillow talk. For as long as we've been together, she's awakened at 5:40 and I have flown into action to make her a double espresso and some eggs and toast as sustenance for a long day in the operating room. Once she departed a little after six, there was nothing to do but sit in an empty house and write before work. So I did.

Now we can take our coffee or tea together with the luxury of time, enjoying the view from the condo until I must leave for work at 8:15 or so. Or later if I'm feeling a little lazy. It's not so bad, but also not so conducive to blogging.

On the darker horizon, it's been a year for us. Peg's best friend died three days ago, not unexpected but a gut punch for poor P on top of the end of the Corning adventure and having to sit down and plan for how to live what's left of our life in the best way possible but not on the path we thought we'd take. It's depressing as hell, only made worse if I show the poor judgment of opening an online newspaper and scrolling in horror at the political hellscape Florida has become. It's not how or where we'd choose to finish out our run on this side of the sod, but circumstances keep my feet nailed to the floor here, and Peg being a team player stands right here with me.

So why share all of that? Lately I haven't, choosing instead just to abide, process, and see where all this leads. I may try to write a little more regularly, assuming I find the motivation to peel myself away from the lovely P in time each morning.

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