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  • Writer's pictureMike Dickey

Trying to Reason with Hurricane Season

"I cannot command winds and weather."

Stuck in Dallas, where the weather doesn't look so bad--just sort of gloomy with an occasional shower. Perfectly good flying weather.

The problem is drifting up from the Gulf, southeast of here but soon to be draped across my path back to Florida.

This is all terribly inconvenient, and guarantees that I won't make any in-person appointments tomorrow. Then again, trying to fly through that and ending up in a pile of twisted wreckage on the news would have the same result.

Anyone familiar with general aviation knows it's a great way to get around, so long as you don't need to arrive somewhere at any particular time or on any particular day. This schedule was simply too tight, arriving here yesterday morning for a very high speed pass to visit family, then trying to depart today and make it to the office late afternoon. That last part became impossible when the folks performing the annual announced, after having the Mighty Columbia for a month, that they had a couple last minute tasks they hadn't completed yet. So the option of leaving at sunup vanished, and so did my opportunity to get back to Florida today.

So this morning I've been trying to reschedule tomorrow's deposition by Zoom, which was always the right answer. If that works, tomorrow morning I'll power through three depositions from Dad and Johnnie's dining room table, where I'm sitting right now, then drive out to DFW to drop off the rental (still need to call them and let them know I'm extending by a day), then Uber to KGKY, write an enormous check to get the plane out of hock, and fly home.

It all makes me tired, but this is life right now. The key is hanging onto the planned RTB to Corning on Thursday, so what's left of the birthday celebration doesn't go up in smoke with me stuck somewhere else.

And so it goes.

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1 Comment

Issac Stickley
Issac Stickley
Jul 08

My mother would be far more upset with you for trying to turn yourself into a NTSB investigation site than you getting home a few days later :)

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