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  • Writer's pictureMike Dickey

What Happened to Us?

"You’ve got to admit that each party is worse than the other. The one that’s out always looks the best."

-Will Rogers

When did we become a country that is willing to let a would-be czar conquer his neighbors?

The Rs seem poised to roll the clock back to 1940, and position the country to stand idly by while this generation's hordes storm west from the steppes.

Meanwhile, the lefties in California want to alter the curriculum to teach elementary school kids about the virtues of a bunch of terrorists who two months ago embarked on a rampage of murder and rape.

But I guess those women and children deserved it, being on the side of capitalism and imperialism and all.

At least we have machine guns widely available to defend ourselves from each other as things unravel.

Not "figure of speech" machine guns. Actual, no kidding machine guns.

And the likely next president and his shadow cabinet are out promising to use the power of the state on Day One to start rounding up anyone who spoke out against him.

But the lead story in the PCNH this morning addresses the most important issue facing the state: the failure of the college football playoffs to give the #4 slot to the hirelings in Tallahassee who ostensibly attend Florida State University.

Bread and circuses, baby.

I'm going to go spend Christmas in 1978.

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Issac Stickley
Issac Stickley
Dec 06, 2023

Wasnt 1978 the year of the Jonestown suicide, the Iranian Revolution, mass civil rights marches, gas shortages, lead paint, leaded gasoline, acid rain, and the start of the era of the failed trickle down economics ushered in by another Republican Hollywood star who never should have been involved in running a country?

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